Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Toxic cosmetics & skincares BANNed by MOH

Just want to share with your all some information about our skincare@cosmetic,

Are you aware of the Risk & Danger ? 26 Toxic Cosmetics & SkinCares Banned By Ministry of Health Contained Highly Toxic Hydroquinone ,Retinoic Acid / Tretinoin / Steroids that can cause Cancer, Swelling, Weight Gain, Osteoporosis, Acne, Muscle Weakness, Deposits of Fat in Chest, Face, Upper Back & Stomach Brought to you by : Veqish The Purple Club, specially for the members. You could download more details and information from Ministry of Healths website

What is Hydroquinone ??

Creams that lighten the skin have been around for many years. They have been used in the pursuit of beauty in terms of lightening blemishes or even the skin in general. In the quest for beauty, there are side effects that can occur, while using this cream. The main purpose of this article is to examine the dangers associated with an active ingredient in skin lightening creams, hydroquinone. The issue of how it can affect the skin will be looked at.

Skin lightening creams contain a wide variety of active ingredients, the most popular being hydroquinone. It is generally an agent that bleaches the skin. It works by blocking specific enzyme reactions that occur in the skin cells. The reason for doing this is to slow down the creation of melanin that occurs in the individuals skin. The color of the skin is derived from melanin. Areas of the skin that have become dark can be lightened by using hydroquinone. Freckles, age spots, melasma, cholasma are all conditions that can lead to discoloration and darkening of the skin. There may be other reasons for using hydroquinone than those listed above.

Hydroquinone has been banned in Europe because of the dangers associated with it. You could still buy products that contained 2% hydroquinone legally up until 2001. The perception people had were changed once the dangers were discovered.

Mercury is one of the main ingredients that is contained in the product, which makes it highly dangerous. Liver and kidney damage are some of the problems that can occur. Skin disfiguration condition called ochnronosis is a potential side effect from using hydroquinone. Bumps and spots that are grayish brown in color are a result, as well as the skin becoming dark and thick. There is also the possibility that after you stop using the product, your melanin cells that were suppressed, may go haywire and start causing more pigmentation.

Products with the lowest concentration of hydroquinone should be used if you plan on using it. Severe health issues are a possibility due to the high concentration in the products. If creams contain mercury you should stay away from them. A licensed skin specialist should be consulted if you plan on using these creams. You will be able to learn about the many different pros and cons associated with these creams.

(NaturalNews) Doctors in the UK were confused by symptoms presented by a woman when no reason for her weight gain, stretch or stripe marks and inability to conceive could be found. It was only after further questioning that she admitted to using a skin lightening product (1).

The product, which is illegal in the EU, was clobetasol. This is a cream containing high levels of the steroid corticosteroid. Typically this cream is prescribed for skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis, and is only to be used for up to two weeks at a time.

The UK doctors reported that the woman far exceeded the recommended usage, using two tubes of clobetasol a week for over seven years.

Such products are being increasingly used by people in a number of countries in an attempt to lighten the skin. Older people as well use skin lightening to remove age or liver spots and other skin darkening conditions.

However few people are warned of the dangers of the toxic ingredients which, as well as containing steroids, includes hydroquinone. While hydroquinone is allowed in the US by the FDA, it is banned in Europe because of the potential to cause cancer.

The list of side effects of the steroid corticosteroid is long. The most serious is Cushing's disease, a malfunction of the adrenal glands leading to an overproduction of cortisol. Other side effects include:

* increased appetite and weight gain
* deposits of fat in chest, face, upper back, and stomach
* swelling
* slowed healing of wounds
* osteoporosis
* cataracts
* acne
* muscle weakness
* thinning of the skin

Banned Products by Ministry of Health, Malaysia

-Dr. Seagar Skin Recon
-Felisa GP Lotion
-Dewajah Night Cream
-Herbarites Skin Whitening
-Atika Beauty Skin Lightening Cream
-Crystal White Extra Night Cream (sasa)
-Sendayu Tinggi Body & Skincare
-Kzanah White Pembersih wajah
-Reena¢s Astringen Lanjutan

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